New York Flow Report

June 1, 2024

Streamflow levels across New York are currently 72.0% of normal, with the Hudson River At Green Island Ny reporting the highest discharge in the state with 7320cfs and gauge stage of 16.26 ft. Meanwhile, the Putnam Creek East Of Crown Point Center Ny is seeing a spike in streamflows today after experiencing a 458.38% increase since yesterday, and currently running at 373cfs.

Maximum gauge stage in the state was last observed at the Hudson R Above Lock 1 Nr Waterford Ny, currently reporting a stage of 30.73ft. The Mohawk River Below Delta Dam Near Rome Ny in the Mohawk watershed is surging for this time of year at 744cfs, about 90.01% of normal.

Surface Flow Characteristics

New York State has a diverse hydrological landscape with significant variations in flow conditions. Major surface flows include the Hudson River, Lake Ontario, and the Great Lakes. The state's reservoirs and dams, including the Ashokan Reservoir and the Niagara Falls hydroelectric plant, play an important role in water management. The state's climate characteristics, with humid summers and cold winters, can have significant impacts on hydrological patterns. Major rivers and tributaries include the Mohawk River, the Genesee River, and the Delaware River. Snowpack and watershed data are also important factors in understanding New York's hydrology, with snowmelt contributing to springtime runoff and potentially affecting water availability during the summer months.

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