Utah Snow Report

June 1 2024
Snowpack Snowfall Totals Forecasts


June 1 2024

New snowfall across Utah today, with Hewinta receiving up to 2” of new snowfall, raising snowpack levels up to 2”.

Ef Blacks Fork Gs, perched at an elevation of 9,360 ft., is currently experiencing some of the coldest temps in Utah with air temps last recorded at 57 degrees.




Snowpack conditions in Utah vary across different mountain ranges, contributing to the state's water supply. The Wasatch Range, located along the eastern edge of the state, is a major source of snowfall. The Uinta Mountains, located in northeastern Utah, also contribute to snow accumulation. Snowmelt from these ranges feeds into various rivers and watersheds, including the Provo River, Weber River, and Bear River.

Utah's snowpack is influenced by the region's winter climate characteristics, which include cold temperatures, frequent snowstorms, and the occasional influence of the "lake-effect" from the Great Salt Lake. The snowpack is typically deepest in February and begins to melt in the spring, supplying water for agriculture, drinking water, and recreation.

Interesting facts about snow science in Utah include the establishment of the first avalanche forecasting center in the United States at Alta Ski Area in 1953. Additionally, Utah's mountains have been an important site for snow research, with scientists studying snow crystal formation, snow density, and snowpack stability.

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