Sooes River

Streamflow Hydrology Weather

Sooes River Levels

June 1 2024

Maximum discharge along the river is currently at the reporting a streamflow rate of cfs. This is also the highest stage along the Sooes River, with a gauge stage of ft at this location. This river is monitored from 1 different streamgauging stations along the Sooes River, the highest being situated at an altitude of ft, the .

About the sooes river

The Sooke River is a river on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. The river is approximately 45 kilometers in length, and it flows from the Sooke Hills to the Sooke Basin. The river has played an important role in the history of the area, as it was used by the local First Nations for fishing, and later by European settlers for logging and agriculture. Today, the river is used for hydroelectric power generation, with the Sooke Dam and Reservoir being the largest hydroelectric facility on Vancouver Island. The river is also popular for recreational activities, such as fishing, kayaking, and swimming, and it is a source of irrigation for local agriculture. The Sooke River provides an important source of water for the surrounding communities, and efforts are being made to protect its natural habitat and wildlife.

Streamgauge Streamflow Gauge Stage 24hr Change (%) % Normal Minimum (cfs) Maximum (cfs) Air Temp Elevation
Sooes River Below Miller Creek Near Ozette
USGS 12043163
92 cfs 5.55 ft -9.61

Peak Annual Discharge

Sooes River Maximum Total Discharge

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Sooes River Year Over Year Discharge

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