Hoko River

Streamflow Hydrology Weather

Hoko River Levels

June 1 2024

Maximum discharge along the river is currently at the reporting a streamflow rate of cfs. This is also the highest stage along the Hoko River, with a gauge stage of ft at this location. This river is monitored from 1 different streamgauging stations along the Hoko River, the highest being situated at an altitude of ft, the .

About the hoko river

The Hoko River is located in the northwestern region of Washington State, USA. It is approximately 24 miles long and has a drainage basin of 69 square miles. The river was historically significant for the Lower Elwha Klallam tribe as it provided a source of salmon and other aquatic resources. Today, the Hoko River is primarily used for recreational activities such as fishing and kayaking, and also serves as a source of water for agriculture. The river is also home to several reservoirs and dams, including the Hoko Falls Dam, which was built in 1932 to generate hydroelectric power. The Hoko Falls Dam is currently decommissioned and slated for removal as part of a wider effort to restore the river's ecosystem.

Streamgauge Streamflow Gauge Stage 24hr Change (%) % Normal Minimum (cfs) Maximum (cfs) Air Temp Elevation
Hoko River Near Sekiu
USGS 12043300
118 cfs 1.63 ft -9.92

Peak Annual Discharge

Hoko River Maximum Total Discharge

Seasonal Comparison

Hoko River Year Over Year Discharge

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