
Watershed Hydrology

The Ruby Watershed covers an area of approximately 1,257 square miles in southwestern Montana. It is part of the Upper Snake River Watershed and is primarily composed of forested mountains and high elevation snowpack. The watershed is known for its pristine surface water and important trout fisheries. It also contains several small reservoirs that are used for irrigation and recreation. The Ruby River, which flows through the watershed, is fed by snowmelt and contributes to the overall hydrology of the area. The watershed experiences a continental climate, characterized by cold winters and warm summers. Recent trends indicate that the snowpack is decreasing, which could have significant effects on the hydrology of the area. Additionally, the Ruby Watershed has been identified as an important area for protection and restoration due to its unique ecological and recreational values.

Surface Flows

Ruby Watershed

Snowpack Depths

Ruby Watershed

Dams & Reservoirs

Ruby Watershed

Groundwater Levels

Ruby Watershed

Ruby Rivers

Rivers of the Watershed