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Mountains and Summits

Rocky Mountains San Juan Mountains

King Solomon Mtn

13,220 ft

King Solomon Mountain is a prominent peak located in the Rocky Mountains mountain range. With an elevation of [insert elevation], it stands as one of the notable summits in the region. The mountain offers breathtaking panoramic views of the surrounding landscape.

During the winter season, King Solomon Mountain experiences a diverse range of snowpack. With an average snowfall of [insert average snowfall] inches, it provides excellent opportunities for winter sports enthusiasts. The snowpack range varies depending on the specific year, with some years receiving heavier snowfall and others experiencing lighter conditions.

Situated in the vicinity of the mountain are several creeks and rivers that benefit from the runoff. [Insert creek/river names], among others, are nourished by the mountain's melting snow, providing a vital source of water for the surrounding ecosystems.

The name "King Solomon Mountain" has an intriguing history. It is said to have been inspired by the legendary biblical figure, King Solomon. The lore surrounding this mountain suggests that treasures and hidden artifacts lie within its rugged terrain. Though no concrete evidence has been found to support such claims, these legends add an air of mystery and allure to the mountain.

In conclusion, King Solomon Mountain is a majestic peak in the Rocky Mountains mountain range. Its impressive elevation, diverse snowpack range, and contribution to local water sources make it a significant landmark. The legends and lore surrounding the mountain only enhance its appeal, making it an exciting destination for mountaineers and adventurers alike.

Outdoor Recreation

Ski Area Snowpack Air Temperature 5 Day Forecast
Silverton Mountain 22" 61° 0"
Durango Mountain Resort 0" 61° 0"
Hesperus Ski Area 10" 54° 0"
Kendall Mountain 0" 63° 0"
Telluride 0" 63° 0"
River Run Streamflow Length Class

Regional Water Data

Gauge Streamflow Stage
Animas River Blw Durango Pump Plant Nr Durango
USGS 09362520
1,960 cfs 5.3 ft
Los Pinos River Near Ignacio
USGS 09353800
1 cfs 1.1 ft
Animas River At Durango
USGS 09361500
2,040 cfs 4.3 ft
Animas River Near Cedar Hill
USGS 09363500
1,860 cfs 6.4 ft
San Juan River Near Carracas
USGS 09346400
1,150 cfs 3.9 ft
Florida River At Bondad
USGS 09363200
-888 cfs 2.9 ft
San Juan River At Pagosa Springs
USGS 09342500
1,340 cfs 6.9 ft
Snotel Site Snowpack 24hr Change

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