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Mountains and Summits

Rocky Mountains Central Montana Rockies

Bishops Cap

9,127 ft

Bishops Cap is a prominent peak located in the Rocky Mountains mountain range. With a towering elevation of approximately 10,773 feet, it offers breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape. This majestic mountain is known for its distinctive cap-like shape, which resembles the headwear worn by bishops. The name "Bishops Cap" is believed to have originated from early climbers who were inspired by this unique feature.

As for the snowpack range, Bishops Cap experiences significant snowfall during the winter season. The snowpack on the mountain can vary depending on weather patterns, but it typically ranges from several feet to over ten feet in depth. This makes Bishops Cap a desirable destination for mountaineers and backcountry skiers seeking thrilling winter adventures.

The melting snow from Bishops Cap contributes to the formation of several creeks and rivers in the region. One notable creek that receives runoff from the mountain is the [insert name] Creek. This water source not only sustains the local ecosystem but also provides recreational opportunities such as fishing and kayaking downstream.

While Bishops Cap is rich in natural beauty and adventurous possibilities, it is crucial to approach its exploration with caution and preparation. As with any mountainous terrain, climbers and hikers should be equipped with proper gear, knowledge of weather conditions, and adhere to safety guidelines.

Outdoor Recreation

Ski Area Snowpack Air Temperature 5 Day Forecast
River Run Streamflow Length Class

Regional Water Data

Gauge Streamflow Stage
Swiftcurrent Cr Ab Swiftcurrent Lk At Many Glacier
USGS 05014300
113 cfs 1.8 ft
Flathead River At Columbia Falls Mt
USGS 12363000
19,600 cfs 8.7 ft
Middle Fork Flathead River Nr West Glacier Mt
USGS 12358500
8,240 cfs 5.2 ft
Cut Bank Creek Near Browning Mt
USGS 06098500
60 cfs ft
N F Flathead River Nr Columbia Falls Mt
USGS 12355500
7,630 cfs 5.7 ft
S F Flathead River Nr Columbia Falls Mt
USGS 12362500
2,790 cfs 6.1 ft
S F Flathead R Ab Twin C Nr Hungry Horse Mt
USGS 12359800
6,150 cfs 9.0 ft
Snotel Site Snowpack 24hr Change

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