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Mountains and Summits

Pacific Ranges Sierra Nevada

Middle Palisade

14,040 ft

Middle Palisade is a prominent peak in the Pacific Ranges mountain range of California, United States. Standing at an elevation of 14,012 feet (4,271 meters), it is an attractive objective for mountaineers seeking a challenging ascent. The mountain is known for its impressive size, with a summit ridge stretching approximately 1,000 feet (305 meters) in length. The Palisade Glacier, one of the largest glaciers in the Sierra Nevada, lies on the northern slopes of Middle Palisade.

During the winter season, Middle Palisade experiences significant snowpack, often reaching depths of several feet. This substantial snow accumulation poses additional challenges for climbers attempting the peak, requiring expertise in mountaineering techniques and equipment. Additionally, the mountain's proximity to the Pacific Ocean and its exposure to prevailing weather systems contribute to unpredictable snow conditions, making careful planning and route selection essential.

Middle Palisade's runoff feeds into several creeks and rivers, including the South Fork Big Pine Creek, which originates from the Palisade Glacier. This glacial meltwater provides a vital water source for the surrounding region, influencing the local ecosystem and supporting diverse plant and animal life. The mountain's role in shaping the hydrology of the area adds to its significance and ecological importance.

Regarding the history and folklore surrounding Middle Palisade, there is limited information available. It is believed that the name "Palisade" was given by the California Geological Survey in 1864, reflecting the towering and rugged nature of the mountain range. However, no specific legends or folklore pertaining to Middle Palisade have been widely documented. Mountaineering enthusiasts and historians interested in exploring the mountain's rich history and cultural significance should consult various independent sources for comprehensive and accurate information.

Outdoor Recreation

Campground Campsites Reservations Toilets Showers Elevation
Browns Town None 4,147 ft
Big Pine Triangle Park None 3,968 ft
Upper Sage 28 7,487 ft
Sentinel - Kings Canyon National Park 82 4,592 ft
Big Trees 16 7,453 ft
Sheep Creek - Kings Canyon National Park 111 4,631 ft
Millpond 60 4,438 ft
Horton Creek 53 5,375 ft
Big Pine 30 7,745 ft
Onion Valley 30 9,183 ft
Moraine - Kings Canyon National Park 120 4,742 ft
Mountain Glen 5 8,532 ft
Taboose Creek County Park 56 3,926 ft
Tinnemaha 47 4,314 ft
Bishop Park 22 8,315 ft
Volcanic Tablelands Dispersed None 4,179 ft
Intake 2 8 8,177 ft
Four Jeffery 106 8,105 ft
North Lake 11 9,345 ft
Grays Meadow 52 5,852 ft
Sage Flat 28 7,376 ft
Pleasant Valley None 4,299 ft
Sabrina 18 8,973 ft
Bitterbrush 30 6,805 ft
Goodale Creek 62 4,083 ft
Symmes Creek None 5,143 ft
Baker Creek 70 4,113 ft
Ski Area Snowpack Air Temperature 5 Day Forecast
River Run Streamflow Length Class

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