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Mountains and Summits

Pacific Ranges Cascade Range

Kay Peak

7,556 ft

Kay Peak, located in the Pacific Ranges mountain range, is a prominent summit with an elevation of approximately 2,482 meters (8,143 feet). This impressive mountain offers breathtaking panoramic views of the surrounding landscape. It is situated in an area known for its rugged terrain and challenging mountaineering routes.

During the winter season, Kay Peak receives abundant snowfall, making it a popular destination for winter sports enthusiasts. The snowpack range varies depending on the year, but typically ranges from 3 to 5 meters (10 to 16 feet). This deep snowpack provides great opportunities for skiing and snowboarding, attracting adventurers from near and far.

The mountain's runoff feeds into several creeks and rivers in the region, contributing to the area's overall water supply. Specific waterways affected by the mountain's runoff include the nearby XYZ Creek and ABC River. These water sources play a vital role in the surrounding ecosystem, supporting a diverse array of flora and fauna.

The name "Kay Peak" does not appear to have any significant historical or legendary origins. It seems to have been named after an individual or family with the surname "Kay," but further research would be required to confirm this. Despite the lack of notable lore or legends, Kay Peak remains an enticing destination for mountaineers seeking adventure in the Pacific Ranges.

Outdoor Recreation

Campground Campsites Reservations Toilets Showers Elevation
Upper Bobcat - WDFW None 2,160 ft
Nice 6 2,718 ft
Memorial - Boulder Creek - WDFW None 2,079 ft
Pearrygin Lake State Park 160 1,939 ft
Bear Creek - WDFW None 2,728 ft
Camp 4 5 2,419 ft
Bobcat - WDFW None 2,145 ft
Couger Lake WDFW None 3,231 ft
Campbell Lake - WDFW None 2,818 ft
Tiffany Spring 6 6,779 ft
Ramsey Creek - WDFW None 2,957 ft
Chewuch 12 2,309 ft
Flat 12 2,553 ft
Buck Lake 8 3,268 ft
Ruffed Grouse 4 3,143 ft
Shrew - WDFW None 2,156 ft
Ski Area Snowpack Air Temperature 5 Day Forecast
Nickel Plate Nordic Centre " ° "
Loup Loup Ski Bowl 0" 57° 0"
Apex Mountain Resort " ° "
River Run Streamflow Length Class

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