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Mountains and Summits

Pacific Ranges Olympic Mountains

Blue Mountain

6,007 ft

Blue Mountain is a majestic peak located in the Pacific Ranges mountain range of British Columbia, Canada. With a towering elevation of approximately [insert elevation], it offers breathtaking views and a challenging climb for mountaineers. The mountain's size, covering an area of [insert size], provides ample space for exploration and adventure.

During the winter season, Blue Mountain experiences a diverse snowpack range. The snow accumulation can vary depending on weather conditions, but on average, the mountain receives a substantial amount of snow. This makes it an ideal destination for winter sports enthusiasts, such as backcountry skiing and snowboarding.

Blue Mountain is also known for its significant runoff, which feeds several creeks and rivers in the surrounding area. The melting snow from the peak contributes to the flow of these water bodies, creating vibrant ecosystems and providing a vital water source for the region's flora and fauna.

The name "Blue Mountain" is thought to have originated from the striking blue hue that the mountain appears to have when viewed from a distance. This optical illusion, caused by atmospheric factors, has captivated locals and visitors alike, giving rise to various legends and lore. While the specific history behind the naming remains unclear, it adds to the mountain's allure and mystique.

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Regional Water Data

Gauge Streamflow Stage
Elwha River At Mcdonald Br Near Port Angeles
USGS 12045500
1,080 cfs 10.3 ft
Humptulips River Below Hwy 101 Nr Humptulips
USGS 12039005
449 cfs 10.3 ft
Wynoochee River Above Save Creek Near Aberdeen
USGS 12036000
361 cfs 5.0 ft
Nooksack River At Ferndale
USGS 12213100
3,710 cfs 6.4 ft
Duckabush River Near Brinnon
USGS 12054000
296 cfs 1.2 ft
Dungeness River Near Sequim
USGS 12048000
305 cfs 3.2 ft
Elwha River Above Lake Mills Nr Port Angeles
USGS 12044900
725 cfs 539.3 ft
Snotel Site Snowpack 24hr Change

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