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Mountains and Summits

Pacific Ranges Cascade Range


7,720 ft

Benzarino is a prominent peak located in the Pacific Ranges mountain range in British Columbia, Canada. Standing at an impressive elevation of approximately 2,500 meters (8,200 feet), it offers breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape. This majestic mountain is known for its rugged terrain and challenging climbing routes, attracting experienced mountaineers seeking a thrilling adventure.

During the winter season, Benzarino receives a substantial amount of snowfall, creating ideal conditions for winter mountaineering and backcountry skiing. The snowpack range can vary greatly depending on the year, but it typically accumulates several meters deep, providing excellent opportunities for winter sports enthusiasts.

Benzarino is also significant for its hydrological features. The mountain's slopes feed into several creeks and rivers in the region, contributing to the freshwater supply and supporting diverse ecosystems downstream. The specific creeks and rivers that receive runoff from Benzarino may include unnamed tributaries and potentially the larger rivers in the area, such as the Bella Coola River or the Ape Lake Creek.

The name "Benzarino" does not have any significant historical or legendary background. It is important to note that the accuracy of this information should be verified through multiple independent sources, as the details may vary. Researchers and mountaineers interested in exploring Benzarino should consult reliable maps and guidebooks, as well as local authorities, for the most up-to-date and accurate information on routes, conditions, and safety guidelines.

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