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Mountains and Summits

Intermountain West Southwest Basins and Ranges


10,678 ft

Sandia Mountain is a prominent peak located in the Intermountain West mountain range. With an elevation of 10,678 feet, it stands tall as one of the highest peaks in New Mexico. Stretching across approximately 17 miles, Sandia Mountain offers a diverse range of mountaineering experiences for outdoor enthusiasts.

During the winter season, Sandia Mountain receives a substantial amount of snowfall, providing excellent opportunities for winter sports such as skiing, snowboarding, and snowshoeing. The snowpack range varies depending on the year, but on average, it can accumulate between 50 to 100 inches of snow. This attracts both locals and tourists alike to engage in thrilling winter activities.

The melting snow from Sandia Mountain contributes to the formation of various creeks and rivers in the surrounding areas. Some notable water bodies that receive runoff from the mountain include the Rio Puerco, Jemez River, and Rio Grande. These water sources play a vital role in the ecosystem, supporting diverse wildlife and providing essential water supply for nearby communities.

The name "Sandia" holds a rich history and interesting legends. The Spanish word "sandía" means watermelon, and the mountain got its name due to the striking red hue it often appears to have during sunsets, resembling the color of a watermelon. Additionally, local Native American tribes have their own folklore surrounding the mountain, attributing it with spiritual significance and tales of supernatural beings residing in its peaks.

Overall, Sandia Mountain is a captivating mountaineering destination in the Intermountain West. Its impressive elevation, size, winter snowpack, and contribution to surrounding water systems make it a truly remarkable natural landmark with a fascinating history and lore.

Outdoor Recreation

Campground Campsites Reservations Toilets Showers Elevation
Paliza 30 6,809 ft
Fourth Of July 25 7,637 ft
Red Canyon 38 7,930 ft
San Antonio-Jemez Springs 30 7,777 ft
Cochiti - Cochiti Lake 60 5,543 ft
Bosque 18 8,570 ft
New Canyon 10 7,780 ft
John F Kennedy 18 6,222 ft
Manzano Mountains State Park 37 7,264 ft
Capilla 8 9,131 ft
Juniper - Bandelier National Monument 66 6,673 ft
Las Conchas 9 8,422 ft
Redondo 59 8,134 ft
Kirtland AFB Military 72 5,439 ft
Coronado None 5,087 ft
Tetilla Peak - Cochiti Lake 51 5,553 ft
Jemez Falls 52 7,963 ft
Ski Area Snowpack Air Temperature 5 Day Forecast
Pajarito Mountain 1" 69° 0"
Sandia Peak Ski Area 1" 69° 0"
River Run Streamflow Length Class

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