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Mountains and Summits

Pacific Ranges Cascade Range

Painters Thumb

6,744 ft

Painters Thumb is a prominent peak located in the Pacific Ranges mountain range, renowned for its stunning beauty and challenging mountaineering opportunities. With an elevation of [elevation] meters, it proudly stands as one of the tallest peaks in the region. The mountain's size and distinct shape make it a notable landmark in the area.

During the winter season, Painters Thumb experiences a diverse snowpack range, ranging from light powdery snow to heavy accumulations. The mountain's high elevation ensures a prolonged winter season, making it a popular destination for winter sports enthusiasts. The snowpack provides excellent conditions for skiing, snowboarding, and snowshoeing.

Several creeks and rivers benefit from the runoff of Painters Thumb. [Name of Creek/River] is one such waterway that receives the mountain's melting snow. This runoff contributes to the region's overall water supply and supports the local ecosystem's diverse flora and fauna.

The name "Painters Thumb" holds an intriguing history. Legend has it that the name originated from a group of early explorers who were astonished by the mountain's unique shape, resembling a painter's thumbprint on the landscape. This name has since been passed down through generations, becoming an integral part of the mountain's identity.

In conclusion, Painters Thumb in the Pacific Ranges offers mountaineers a challenging and visually captivating experience. With its impressive elevation, diverse snowpack, and contribution to local waterways, it continues to be a significant feature in the region's natural landscape. The mountain's fascinating name and lore further add to its allure, attracting adventurers from near and far.

Outdoor Recreation

Campground Campsites Reservations Toilets Showers Elevation
Swauk 47 3,164 ft
Johnny Creek 74 2,439 ft
Rock Island 24 2,796 ft
Ida Creek 10 2,523 ft
Riverbend - Law 6 2,474 ft
Indian Camp- State Forest 6 2,574 ft
Lake Wenatchee State Park 200 1,897 ft
Trout Lake Creek None 4,845 ft
White Pine 5 2,781 ft
Napeequa Crossing 5 1,928 ft
White River Falls 5 2,209 ft
Cottonwood - Ent 25 3,077 ft
Phelps Creek 13 2,737 ft
Tumwater 100 1,688 ft
Nason Creek 76 1,900 ft
Beverly 10 3,116 ft
Mineral Springs 7 2,728 ft
Schaefer Creek 10 2,492 ft
Grasshopper Meadows 5 2,049 ft
Chatter Creek 24 2,733 ft
Atkinson Flat 7 2,527 ft
Lake Creek - Law 8 2,326 ft
Soda Springs - Law 5 2,270 ft
Ski Area Snowpack Air Temperature 5 Day Forecast
Yodelin 0" 48° 8.99"
Stevens Pass Ski Area 0" 48° 8.99"
Leavenworth Ski Hill 0" 60° 0"
Mission Ridge Ski Area 0" 60° 0"
Medallion Peak resort 0" 61° 2.52"
River Run Streamflow Length Class

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