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Mountains and Summits

Pacific Ranges Cascade Range

Oval Peak

8,795 ft

Oval Peak is a prominent mountain located in the Pacific Ranges mountain range in the western part of North America. With an elevation of approximately 8,252 feet (2,515 meters), Oval Peak stands tall as a significant landmark in the region. Its sizeable massif and distinctive oval shape make it easily recognizable among other peaks in the area.

During the winter season, Oval Peak experiences a diverse range of snowpack conditions. Snow depths can vary significantly depending on the amount of precipitation received each year. The snowpack ranges from relatively shallow accumulations in lower elevations to much deeper snow at higher elevations, providing opportunities for winter sports enthusiasts and mountaineers alike.

Situated in the mountainous terrain, Oval Peak contributes to the runoff of several creeks and rivers in the surrounding region. While specific tributaries may vary, it is known that meltwater from the mountain contributes to the flow of nearby streams and rivers. These waterways play a crucial role in the ecosystem, providing habitats for various flora and fauna.

Regarding the history and folklore of Oval Peak, its name has origins rooted in the geographical shape of the mountain itself. The unique oval form of the peak has likely inspired indigenous names or stories passed down through generations. However, specific legends or lore associated with Oval Peak are not widely documented. Exploring local histories or engaging with nearby communities may reveal more intriguing tales about this remarkable mountain.

Outdoor Recreation

Campground Campsites Reservations Toilets Showers Elevation
Silver Falls 43 2,424 ft
Refrigerator Harbor 8 1,143 ft
Graham Harbor 5 1,126 ft
Roads End 4 3,710 ft
South Creek 4 3,140 ft
Lake Creek - Ent 20 2,211 ft
Deer Point 6 1,114 ft
Fox Creek 16 1,984 ft
South Navarre 9 6,289 ft
Cottonwood - Ent 25 3,077 ft
Nice 6 2,718 ft
War Creek 11 2,439 ft
Lone Fir 27 3,618 ft
Mystery 5 2,812 ft
Prince Creek 6 1,134 ft
Poplar Flat 21 2,985 ft
Ruffed Grouse 4 3,143 ft
Ballard 7 2,526 ft
Snowberry 11 1,954 ft
Junior Point 5 6,524 ft
Klipchuck 46 2,955 ft
Moore Point 6 1,124 ft
River Bend 5 2,656 ft
Early Winters 14 2,196 ft
Twenty - Five Mile Creek State Park 67 1,280 ft
Blackpine Lake 24 4,093 ft
Ski Area Snowpack Air Temperature 5 Day Forecast
Leavenworth Ski Hill 0" 64° 0"
Badger Mountain Ski Area 0" 60° 0"
River Run Streamflow Length Class

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