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Mountains and Summits

Pacific Ranges Cascade Range

Mount Maude

9,082 ft

Mount Maude is a prominent peak located in the Pacific Ranges mountain range of British Columbia, Canada. Standing at an elevation of 2,950 meters (9,678 feet), it offers breathtaking vistas and a challenging climb for mountaineers. With its rugged terrain and stunning alpine landscapes, Mount Maude is a popular destination for outdoor enthusiasts.

During the winter season, Mount Maude receives significant snowfall, contributing to a substantial snowpack. The snowpack range varies across different elevations and aspects, providing opportunities for various winter sports and activities. Mountaineers should be well-prepared and equipped with proper gear, as the mountain's conditions can be unpredictable.

Several creeks and rivers in the surrounding area receive runoff from Mount Maude. These water bodies, such as the nearby Iago Creek and Cedar Creek, benefit from the melting snow and contribute to the region's ecosystem. The mountain's runoff also plays a vital role in supplying water to local communities and supporting wildlife habitats.

The name "Mount Maude" is believed to have been given by the Pacific Land and Improvement Company around the late 19th century. The origins of the name, however, do not appear to have any specific historical or legendary significance tied to the mountain. Nevertheless, Mount Maude's natural beauty and challenging terrain continue to captivate adventurers and serve as a testament to the allure of the Pacific Ranges mountain range.

Outdoor Recreation

Campground Campsites Reservations Toilets Showers Elevation
Weaver Point - North Cascades National Park 22 1,125 ft
Lake Creek - Law 8 2,326 ft
Nason Creek 76 1,900 ft
White River Falls 5 2,209 ft
Cottonwood - Ent 25 3,077 ft
Riverbend - Law 6 2,474 ft
Grasshopper Meadows 5 2,049 ft
Napeequa Crossing 5 1,928 ft
Soda Springs - Law 5 2,270 ft
Atkinson Flat 7 2,527 ft
Refrigerator Harbor 8 1,143 ft
White Pine 5 2,781 ft
Moore Point 6 1,124 ft
Purple Point 7 1,193 ft
Schaefer Creek 10 2,492 ft
Lake Wenatchee State Park 200 1,897 ft
Phelps Creek 13 2,737 ft
Ski Area Snowpack Air Temperature 5 Day Forecast
Stevens Pass Ski Area 0" 48° 8.99"
Mission Ridge Ski Area 0" 60° 0"
Yodelin 0" 48° 8.99"
Medallion Peak resort 0" 61° 2.52"
Leavenworth Ski Hill 0" 60° 0"
River Run Streamflow Length Class

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