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Mountains and Summits

Pacific Ranges Cascade Range

Mount Fernow

9,249 ft

Mount Fernow is a prominent peak located in the Pacific Ranges mountain range in British Columbia, Canada. Standing at an impressive elevation of 9,256 feet (2,821 meters), it offers a challenging climb for experienced mountaineers. With its stunning glaciers and rugged terrain, Mount Fernow attracts climbers seeking a thrilling adventure.

During the winter season, the snowpack on Mount Fernow can vary significantly. Reports suggest that the snowpack range is typically between 3 and 7 meters, depending on weather conditions and the specific year. This makes the mountain a popular destination for backcountry skiing and snowboarding enthusiasts.

Several creeks and rivers receive runoff from Mount Fernow, including the nearby Klinaklini River and its tributaries. These water sources are fed by the melting snow and glaciers, contributing to the region's diverse ecosystem and providing valuable resources for wildlife.

As for the history and lore surrounding the name of Mount Fernow, it is important to consult multiple independent sources to ensure accuracy. Unfortunately, in this limited response, we are unable to delve into the specific legends or anecdotes associated with the mountain. However, further research may uncover interesting stories that have been passed down through generations, adding to the allure of Mount Fernow.

Outdoor Recreation

Campground Campsites Reservations Toilets Showers Elevation
Weaver Point - North Cascades National Park 22 1,125 ft
Atkinson Flat 7 2,527 ft
Schaefer Creek 10 2,492 ft
Lake Creek - Law 8 2,326 ft
Napeequa Crossing 5 1,928 ft
White Pine 5 2,781 ft
Grasshopper Meadows 5 2,049 ft
Nason Creek 76 1,900 ft
Moore Point 6 1,124 ft
White River Falls 5 2,209 ft
Phelps Creek 13 2,737 ft
Lone Fir 27 3,618 ft
Lake Wenatchee State Park 200 1,897 ft
Riverbend - Law 6 2,474 ft
Purple Point 7 1,193 ft
Cottonwood - Ent 25 3,077 ft
Soda Springs - Law 5 2,270 ft
Ski Area Snowpack Air Temperature 5 Day Forecast
Leavenworth Ski Hill 0" 64° 0"
Yodelin 0" 58° 2.85"
Medallion Peak resort 0" 70° 0.82"
Stevens Pass Ski Area 0" 58° 2.85"
River Run Streamflow Length Class

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