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Mountains and Summits

Pacific Ranges Cascade Range

Mcgregor Mountain

8,136 ft

Mcgregor Mountain, located in the Pacific Ranges mountain range, is a prominent peak with an elevation of approximately 2,533 meters (8,310 feet). It is known for its breathtaking views and challenging mountaineering opportunities. The mountain is surrounded by stunning glaciers and alpine meadows, offering a diverse landscape for climbers and hikers to explore.

During the winter season, Mcgregor Mountain experiences a significant snowpack range, with snowfall accumulating on its slopes. This makes it an appealing destination for winter sports enthusiasts, including backcountry skiers and snowboarders. The snowpack can vary depending on weather conditions and the specific year, so it is advisable to check local reports and forecasts before planning any winter activities.

Mcgregor Mountain is a source of runoff for several creeks and rivers in the surrounding area. These waterways are fed by the melting glaciers and snowfields of the mountain, contributing to the overall water supply of the region. The specific creeks and rivers vary, but they play an important role in sustaining the local ecosystem and providing water for plants, animals, and human communities downstream.

The name "Mcgregor" has historical significance in the area. While there may be various interpretations of the origin of the name, it is commonly believed to be named after a prominent figure, possibly a local explorer or settler. Unfortunately, detailed information about the exact history and legends surrounding the name of Mcgregor Mountain is scarce. Nonetheless, its natural beauty and challenging terrain continue to attract mountaineers and outdoor enthusiasts who seek adventure and stunning scenery.

Outdoor Recreation

Campground Campsites Reservations Toilets Showers Elevation
Lone Fir 27 3,618 ft
Moore Point 6 1,124 ft
Cottonwood - Ent 25 3,077 ft
Purple Point 7 1,193 ft
Refrigerator Harbor 8 1,143 ft
Weaver Point - North Cascades National Park 22 1,125 ft
Atkinson Flat 7 2,527 ft
Harts Pass 5 6,180 ft
Phelps Creek 13 2,737 ft
Ski Area Snowpack Air Temperature 5 Day Forecast
Manning Park Resort 1" 65° 0"
Silvertip 1" 65° 0"
Medallion Peak resort 0" 61° 2.52"
Stevens Pass Ski Area 0" 48° 8.99"
Leavenworth Ski Hill 0" 60° 0"
Yodelin 0" 48° 8.99"
River Run Streamflow Length Class

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